Submit your prescription refills 24/7 with just one click | Carrick Pharmacy

Submit your prescription refills 24/7 with just one click | RxWiki

(Carrick Pharmacy News) You can now refill your medications via the pharmacy mobile app anytime and anywhere.

Whether you’re at home, at work or out running errands, you can easily refill your medications through the pharmacy’s website or mobile app.

You can easily download the app on Apple and Android. Signing up for an account will enable you to submit a refill faster. In fact, it just takes one click. Who doesn’t want that?

If you create an account, you will have a list of your medications on hand at all times.

In addition, creating an account allows you to maintain medication profiles for the entire family, which facilitates easy refill submissions.

Three reasons to use the pharmacy’s mobile app:

  1. Easy to log in with and create an account. If you create an account, you can refill medications for the whole family with just a few clicks.
  2. Set up refill and medication reminders. Find it difficult to remember to refill your prescriptions? What about taking your medications? No problem. The mobile app allows you to set up reminders for both.
  3. Health news and medication information. Want to stay informed about your health condition or your medications? Access health and medication information on the app at any time by watching a video or reading the latest health news.

One of the easiest ways to download the mobile app is to visit the pharmacy’s website. Click on the mobile page and simply enter your cell phone number to receive a text message with a download link. Voila.

What are you waiting for? Download the pharmacy’s mobile app today and start refilling faster, easier and smarter.

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