Try these creative ways to get more healthy protein in your daily life | Carrick Pharmacy

Try these creative ways to get more healthy protein in your daily life | RxWiki

(Carrick Pharmacy News) Protein is an essential nutrient. Are you getting enough of the good stuff?

If not, try these innovative ways to add more healthy protein to your daily diet.

1. Snack on Nuts

If you’re regularly reaching for a bag of chips when snack time rolls around, you’re missing an opportunity to add some healthy protein to your day. Instead of the chips, snack on nuts or seeds.

Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and similar nuts and seeds are packed with protein — not to mention healthy fats — making them an ideal snack for most days.

2. Try Eggs for Breakfast

Eggs are one of the most potent sources of healthy protein around, and they’re great for breakfast. Many common breakfast foods, such as waffles, pancakes and cereal, are heavy on carbohydrates but light on protein.

Eggs don’t fit that description, and that’s why they’re a smart swap if you’re trying to get more healthy protein in your diet.

3. Make Your Yogurt Greek

Not all yogurt is created equal when it comes to protein. Greek yogurt packs much more protein per serving than many other kinds of yogurts. As an added bonus, it’s often lower in added sugar, too. So, next time you’re craving some yogurt, go Greek to get more protein.

4. Dip Veggies in Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a healthy source of protein and fat, and it’s great as a dip for veggies like carrots and celery. If your go-to veggie dip is a cream-based one, consider trying peanut butter on your next veggie tray instead. You’ll get a lot more protein and just as much flavor.

5. Eat More Whole Grains

Whole grains like whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, barley and similar grains provide a lot of health benefits. One of the most under-appreciated benefits of whole grains is that they tend to come with a lot more healthy protein than their non-whole counterparts.

So, when you’re buying bread or choosing a grain to cook for your next dinner, go for the whole grain version. In addition to more protein, you’ll get more fiber and vitamins to boot.

Talk to your health care provider before making any major changes to your diet.

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