How to keep your kids active and engaged this summer | Carrick Pharmacy

How to keep your kids active and engaged this summer | RxWiki

(Carrick Pharmacy News) School is out and summer vacation is in full swing. Instead of letting your children plop down in front of the television for the next month, keep them engaged and active this summer.

Did you know summer vacation can result in learning loss? It’s estimated that, on average, children can lose about two months of math and reading skills during summer vacation. But keeping your children engaged could help combat that learning loss.


To keep your children engaged through the summer months, encourage reading. Mark their accomplishments when they complete a book — that will encourage them to complete their reading list.

There are a number of math and science activity books available for purchase. These can also help keep your children engaged. Some of these books focus on mini science experiments, which can be fun — and educational — for the whole family.

Focus on Creativity

Let your children be creative on their summer break. There are many resources, such as the Education section on, for projects and arts and crafts. Check for art, music, or dance classes online and let your children explore their interests.

Stay Active

During the summer, children are at risk for gaining weight. That’s why encouraging your children to remain active is important.

There are countless activity opportunities you and your family can participate in this summer. Let go of the video game controllers and TV remotes and head outside. Remain active as a family and go for a bike ride or head to the park for some frisbee. 

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