FDA and DEA warn websites accused of selling Adderall illegally | Carrick Pharmacy

FDA and DEA warn websites accused of selling Adderall illegally | RxWiki

(Carrick Pharmacy News) Federal officials are warning online companies accused of selling prescription drugs like Adderall.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) recently sent warning letters to two websites they accused of selling Schedule II stimulants illegally.

According to the FDA and DEA, the two websites in question illegally sold Adderall and similar prescription medications without a prescription, which could put consumers at risk.

In particular, Adderall comes with a high potential for addiction and abuse, the FDA noted.

“The illegal sale of prescription drug stimulants online puts Americans at risk and contributes to potential abuse, misuse and overdose,” said FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf in a press release. “These particular types of online pharmacies also undermine our efforts to help consumers safely purchase legitimate prescription medicines over the internet. FDA will continue partnering with DEA in an effort to safeguard public health and protect consumers who need access to these important medicines.”

The two websites accused of illegally selling prescription drugs online were Kubapharm.com and Premiumlightssupplier.com. These operators had 15 days from the date of receiving the warnings to respond to the agencies with specific information about how they planned to remedy the situation.

Officials said anyone who has purchased medication from these websites should dispose of it.

“Consumers cannot trust the safety or legitimacy of pills sold on unaccredited sites,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram in a press release. “DEA strongly urges anyone seeking controlled medications to obtain a prescription from a trusted medical professional and have it dispensed by a licensed pharmacy.”

If you have questions or concerns about any prescription or over-the-counter medication, reach out to your local pharmacist.

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