How your diet can affect your skin | Carrick Pharmacy

How your diet can affect your skin | RxWiki

(Carrick Pharmacy News) There’s more to skin health than sunscreen and daily cleansing. As it turns out, your diet may play a part in giving you that radiant glow you’re looking for.

Various studies suggest that different aspects of our dietary habits may affect the health of our skin. That means you can take direct action to improve your skin health by improving your diet.

Here’s what you need to know.

Drink Lots of Water

Hydration is the key to all kinds of processes that take place in various organs throughout our bodies, including our skin. And according to the Mayo Clinic, drinking water helps keep your skin hydrated.

The amount of water you require to stay hydrated each day will depend heavily on your activity and perspiration levels, as well as your diet. If you’re unsure of how much water you should be drinking, talk to your health care provider.

Eat Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel contain healthy fatty acids like omega-3s. Some studies have found that diets rich in fish oil were associated with young and healthy-looking skin.

Omega-3s have also been tied to reduced inflammation. Inflammation is part of the process that can cause skin redness and acne. Meanwhile, the zinc and vitamin E in fatty fish have been tied to overall skin health.

Prioritize Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are essential sources of minerals and vitamins like vitamin C. Vitamin C plays an essential role in the creation of a protein called collagen. Collagen is what keeps your skin looking healthy and strong.

Also, carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges, and various other fruits and vegetables are rich in beta carotene, which some research suggests may act as a natural protectant against the sun. While this association is exciting, it’s important to note that no dietary change can take the place of real sunscreen.

Don’t Forget the Chocolate and Tea

Many other healthy foods have been found to have protective effects for healthy skin. Two key examples are chocolate and green tea.

Dark chocolate has been tied in various studies to positive skin effects, such as higher resistance to burning, reduced wrinkles, and greater thickness and hydration.

Green tea, with its potent punch of antioxidants, has also been linked to healthier skin. More specifically, green tea consumption has been linked to reduced skin damage and aging, as well as less redness from exposure to the sun.

Before making any major change to your diet, always speak with your health care provider.

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